Why CBD Oil Is the Next Big Thing in Fitness and Bodybuilding

Why CBD Oil Is the Next Big Thing in Fitness and Bodybuilding

If you are an aspiring bodybuilder or someone who is after improving his or her body fitness and wellness, then you are probably on the lookout for new ways or products to make the best of your workouts. In the recent years, CBD oil has emerged as a handy product that helps in overcoming almost every huddle in our body, including treating cancer and reducing muscle soreness.

Muscle soreness is one of the issues that affect people, especially after an intense fitness and bodybuilding session. Therefore, CBD is the next big thing in fitness and bodybuilding, as it helps reduce muscle soreness while also putting your mind in the right state for the next session.

What Is CBD Oil?


It is essential to understand what CBD is before you make your mind on whether to add it into your bodybuilding or fitness workout regimen. CBD oil is a product made from marijuana or cannabis plant’s extracts. Well, before you start questioning the legality of the product, which is understandable, it is also good to know that CBD oil is legal unlike marijuana that contains THC.

Many people know that marijuana plants cause psychoactive or undesirable effects, which are associated with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical. However, according to some studies, CBD is a different compound that offers many health benefits and is also free of such negative effects.

How Can I Use CBD Oil to Grow Muscle?


When it comes to any bodybuilder or fitness conscious person, growing muscle is always a huge challenge to overcome, since it does not happen naturally in our bodies. Besides, our bodies also contain catabolic hormones that break down our muscle mass. This means that to grow muscle you should take anti-catabolic supplements.

Using CBD supplements or oils, helps reverse the process of muscle mass break down by reducing the number of catabolic hormones in your body such as cortisol. Lower catabolic hormones reduce the rate at which your body breaks muscle mass thus allowing an increase in your muscle mass.

Apart from lowering the levels of catabolic hormones in your body, CBD can also promote muscle growth indirectly by improving your stamina. This boosts your endurance allowing you to spend more time in your workouts without your muscles getting fatigued, which ensures faster results.

It is also advisable for those who want to build muscle to avoid taking caffeine as it can lead to an increase in cortisol levels. Consequently, you can use CBD supplements if you are stressed out or have a cold or flu, but it is not recommended to take caffeine while using supplements.

Other CBD Benefits in Bodybuilding and Fitness


  • Relieves and Reduces Inflammation and Pain

In most cases, bodybuilders tend to push their bodies to the limit during their workouts while trying to achieve results faster. This can lead to some pain or inflammation that makes it hard for you to perform optimally in the next exercise. Many people use Over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory drugs to mask the pain and continue with the future fitness sessions.

CBD oil is a natural supplement that has been proven to provide a solution to people with the same type of pain. Therefore, the supplement could help you get into your next workout and perform well without taking any substance that would cause damage to your body organs such as the liver.

Some of the popular anti-inflammatory medications significantly affect your liver and the digestive organs every time you take them. This could cause some damage to the liver if you continue taking the anti-inflammatory on a regular basis to mask the condition. CBD does not cause any adverse side effects since it is a natural supplement. Therefore, CBD oil could be just what you need to recover from that killer workout before the next session.

  • Improves Sleep

Usually, healthy sleep is essential for everyone, but most importantly for active individuals like bodybuilders. Remember, most of the recovering in the body takes place when we are sleeping. This means that if you are not getting enough sleep, you will experience a slower muscle recovery, which will in turn lead to slower muscle growth, as it will make the next workouts more challenging.  Moreover, some studies have also associated insufficient sleep to weight gain.

CBD oil provides effects that help regulate body hormones that signal time for wakefulness and sleep, allowing you to get your sleep back on the right track.  The supplement delivers these results without causing any habit-forming effects that are typically associated with other sleep aids.

  • Relieves Anxiety and Stress

Sleep and anxiety can significantly affect the quality of your sleep. CBD oil helps promote a better sleep by reducing the symptoms of these two conditions that interfere with your sleep schedules.

Besides, the supplement can also be used to relieve anxiety before the performance for bodybuilders as well as other athletes. It is usually normal for you as a competitor to develop raw nerves before any performance regardless of how prepared you are. Fortunately, CBD oil offers a safe and effective solution with its anti-anxiolytic and anti-depressant properties. It also provides a better alternative for people who want to avoid harmful or habit-forming anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants such as Prozac and Xanax.

  • Promotes Cardiovascular Health

CBD oil help improves cardiovascular health, which is essential for a bodybuilder and any fitness conscious individuals, as they engage in intense gym sessions. This is by reducing inflammation and fat storage in the body organs and blood vessels.

Side Effects


Usually, most Over-the-counter medications that are used to mask or treat some of the conditions above have side effects. However, CBD is only associated with very few side effects, which are typically very minor and minimal. Some people have complained of stomach upsets, tiredness and a few cases of diarrhea, but most users have only reported minor side effects or none at all.

3 Best CBD Oils for Fitness and Bodybuilding


Supplements are essential in fitness and bodybuilding as they help you make gains and fill the gaps faster. However, there appear to be so many products available on the market, and CBD oil is also not an exception. This makes it hard for you to choose the right supplement for your needs. Here we have researched and come up with the best 3 of the top rated CBD oil supplements on the market. These include:

1. CBD FX Oil Tincture


This brand offers one of the purest CBD oil that contains safe and effective ingredients. CBDfx Tinctures formulation features a blend of two ingredients that allows it to provide you with full spectrum and a potent dose of high-quality CBD oil and wholesome MCT oil. The CBD oil is extracted organically using CO2 and thus preserves a wide range of important compounds such as cannabinoids, omega3-6 and 9s, amino acids and natural vitamins.

Why Choose CBDFx Tincture?

  • Provides pure CBD oil
  • Contains all the vital compounds available in hemp oil
  • Delivers quick results
  • Treats pain and inflammation
  • Promotes a healthy sleep
  • Offers additional benefits such as reducing blood pressure, skin issues and heart arrhythmia


2. CBD Weight Loss Spray


CBD Weight Loss Spray is another vital supplement that is ideal for fitness and bodybuilding.  The spray is specially designed to help in weight loss by reducing the storage of body fat. However, it also aids in calming down the tummy as well as providing more energy to take you through your workouts. The CBD supplement offers a blend of potent ingredients such as industrial hemp cannabidiol, Garcinia Cambogia extract,  Stevia leaf extract, Hydrocitric acid and much more.

Why Choose CBD Weight Loss Spray?

  • Offers quick results
  • A robust and proven formulation that includes SuperCitrimax for appetite control
  • It is 99 percent Pure CBD oil
  • Reduces caloric intake by up to 25 percent
  • It is THC-free, Gluten-Free, organic, Non-GMO and vegan-friendly
  • Promotes fat burning while protecting your muscles
  • Ideal for active individuals as it enhances exercise performance

3. CBD BioCare


CBD BioCare is another popular supplement that is specially developed to offer same health benefits as medical marijuana without causing undesirable effects. The product is made from organically grown CBD and is distributed by federally approved facility unlike many other CBD oils available today. Besides, the oil is carefully tested for purity and quality, which means that it is entirely free of THC.

Why Choose CBD BioCare?

  • It is a full spectrum CBD product made from the highest quality CBD concentration available
  • It is THC-free. Thus, it does not cause any undesirable side effects
  • All natural, potent and top-quality CBD oil
  • Legal in all 50 states in the United States and over 40 countries across the world



Overall, CBD offers some wonderful bodybuilding, fitness and health benefits. Therefore, it is advisable for any person looking to build muscle, sleep better and lose weight to consider CBD oils or supplements. CBD helps treat many symptoms that affect bodybuilding and fitness such as inflammation, pain, sleep disorders, poor cardiovascular health and much more.

I recommend any of the 3 CBD oil products above because they have all been proven to provide amazing effects in enhancing your fitness and bodybuilding. However, if I were to pick one brand from them, I would go for CBDFx.

The CBD oil brand features a potent formula with two pure and high-quality ingredients. Besides, it also includes wholesome MCT oil, which offers extra health benefits.

Anastasia Filipenko


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